Cultural Insights

Unearthing actionable insights regarding your current and future audience, shaping how your brand engages with them, and investigating  the collective shifts and external factors expected to impact your audience and category dynamics.

︎Expert & Audience Interviews

︎Cultural & Market Immersion

︎Audience Segmentation & Persona

︎Trends Reports


I strongly believe culture is driven by the fringes, not the mainstream.
My keen eye, sharp instincts, and insatiable curiosity drive me to uncover niche signals, intriguing patterns, evolving behaviors, untold stories, and emerging talents that possess the capacity to grow into significant mouvements.

Futures Intelligence
& Innovation︎

Providing the foundations for the future success of your business and crafting culturally attuned products, brands and strategies . 
Offering inspiration, guidance, and thought-provoking ideas to cultivate creative synergy among teams.

︎Brand (re)positioning

︎Brandbook & Playbook

︎Product & Service Innovation

︎Tailored workshops


I am dedicated to crafting work that is empathetic, empowering, and unconventional. My goal is to develop products, campaigns, experiences, and content that deeply resonate with diverse communities on both cultural and emotional levels. In this pursuit, I prioritize sensitivity and inclusivity, ensuring that our work respects and uplifts underrepresented groups.

Creative Strategy

Finding inspiring playgrounds where brands and audience connect in relevant, meaningful and unexpected ways.  Guiding brands to rise beyond their conventional boundaries and play a role in shaping cultural landscapes.

︎Cultural Positioning

︎Experiential & Editorial Platform

︎Activations & Content Ideation

︎Partnerships Strategy & Curation

︎Visual & Creative Inspiration


I function as an independent and multidisciplinary practice ; tailoring my methodology to each project and taping into a broad and diverse community of talented freelancers and experts when specific expertises and skills are required.